Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I <3 Toad Town

Ugh. So yeah, I've been completely neglecting Resident Evil 4 to play Paper Mario on the Virtual Console. If you're going to follow this blog, you had better get used to me flip-flopping like this, because that's kind of what I do when it comes to video games. I assure you, I am not giving up on Resident Evil 4 (although, honestly, my ammo situation is a major problem, and I have no clue how I am going to overcome it), but I've sort of been hypnotized by the Mario game.

The crazy thing about Paper Mario is that it almost feels like it shouldn't be a VC game. It's so (relatively) recent! I still remember a LOT of the game's nooks and crannies, as if I played it for the first time yesterday!

I am currently in the middle of the Shy Guy's Toybox chapter, which is really fun. This level almost has an adventure game vibe to it, due to the fact that I have to constantly run around searching for items, and then giving those items to people in different locations to get more items, which in turn give me passage to new areas where I find even more items. I enjoy that sort of thing, for some strange reason. This episode has me running around in Toad Town a lot, and while I'm doing that, I'm also taking care of a lot of unrelated side missions. Toad Town is awesome in this game! I totally love towns in RPG games. They are so relaxed and full of activities and plot advancements that are fun, but not dangerous. When I die and go to heaven, it had damn well better resemble the first town in Chrono Trigger or I'm going to sue Jesus. Anyway, Toad Town is great, and pretty damn big and chock full of stuff to do.

I'm guessing that in a few days I'll beat this game, and then return to Resident Evil 4.

Speaking of Resident Evil, have you read this article from the Village Voice? This is the kind of shit that enfuriates me, and all I can do is hope for Bonnie Ruberg to live an unfulfilling life and then die painfully, violently, and with the knowlege that her presence made the earth a slightly shittier place. But as a side note, it makes me wonder why Resident Evil 4, in which every single enemy is Spanish, didn't receive similar criticism?

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