Friday, January 4, 2008

Vision Quest

So I started playing Puzzle Quest last night. I really regret not getting the DS version. The problem is that when they ported this shit, they forgot to make it bigger than a fucking DS screen. This wasn't a HUGE problem during the "puzzle" part of the game (although that's way too small too), but it's seriously ruining the "quest" part. The text in particular is ridiculously small. I actually love the concept of the game - accepting various missions that result in Bejewled battles with monsters - but it's difficult to follow the plot when I'm reading about journeying to Algaroth on a mission for the Emperor in a .005-point font. And then having to find these locations on a teeny tiny little fucking map screen. I find myself just randomly clicking until I find myself engaged in a puzzle battle, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the way I want to play this game. I want to use strategy. I want to pick and choose the quests I take on, I want my imagination to be captivated by this wonderful fantasy of a kingdom built on puzzling. Due to this stupid problem, that could have been easily fixed by them putting ten fucking minutes of effort into this port, I can't.

For example, isn't this fun to read? Now imagine you were sitting 6 feet away from the screen. Now imagine that instead of me blabbing, it was your beloved ruler instructing you to go deliver a message to the queen of a faraway kingdom, and how to kill the bloodthirsty minotaur that guards her throne room. That'd be annoying, huh?

It's a shame though, because the game is fun as shit. Between last night and today, I played for about three hours, until my eyes started to bleed. This game should come packaged with acetaminophen. I really, really wish I'd opted for the DS version. Oh well.

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